Friday, July 29, 2011

The One And Only Susan Boyle: Dreamed The Dream And Made it Happen

Today, we fans know that Susan Boyle is a super star and very much the professional singer she wanted to be.  We see these fabulous performances in so many different countries and so many different areas and marvel at how successful Susan really is.   We have witness the birth of a super star.  A lot of the write-up (below) was written without knowing just how much Susan would accomplish.  Susan has set the way.  Susan is unique.  Susan has proven who she is  - the one and only, Susan Boyle
While searching Google for a written article about Susan, I came upon this write-up.
"Susan Boyle: What happened to the dream?"
Written by:   Carole Cadwalladr,  May 29, 2010 19:05 EDT (1 year ago)  on  Features |  (Original Article)
Below is a small part of the article:
"And in the narrative drama that is the Susan Boyle story, we want to believe that there's a happy ending. That Susan Boyle is living her dream. And, of course, the best way of achieving this is to ensure that we have no idea if she is or not. Just so long as she's safely inside the Syco bubble, and we catch the merest glimpse of her airbrushed on a magazine cover, then all is well with the world.

Who wants the truth, after all? Susan Boyle means so many things to so many people. To the religious, she represents the power of faith; to the lonely, she offers hope; to the disadvantaged, she offers inspiration; to academics, she represents a research opportunity; to Sony, she is next year's profits; and to those who believe that they have a talent which has yet to be uncovered, she offers proof: that it is possible, that you can dream, that the impossible might yet come true."
Click below to read the entire article:,b0iEZKAXEc5E

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