Sunday, December 15, 2013

Susan Boyle always worries me - but when she's on stage I stop holding my breath.

I think Catherine has summarized the feelings and thoughts of very many devoted fans...

Catherine TyldesleySusan Boyle always worries me - but when she's on stage I stop holding my breath                                                                            By 

Guest columnist and Coronation Street star Catherine Tyldesley says watching the humble songbird fills her with inspiration
Panic attacks: Susan Boyle
Panic attacks: Susan Boyle

Wonderful as her ­performances are, I must admit I have always worried about Susan Boyle.
Watching this humble songbird being shunted on to the stage filled me with concern and dismay.
How, I wondered, can someone with such self doubt, such blinding fear, continue to get up on stage and sing to thousands of people?
And to begin with, watching ITV documentary There’s Something About Susan did nothing to allay my concerns.
First of all it was revealed that Susan suffers from acute panic attacks. I’m not entirely sure how someone like that can function in possibly the most cruel and cut-throat business in the world.
As an actress I know what it’s like to get butterflies but this is something else.
For 95 per cent of the time, this woman feels inferior.
What makes it even more cruel is that singing is her life’s passion. For Susan, her greatest love also appears to be her greatest fear.
As anyone who has seen her perform – whether live or on telly – can tell, when Susan sings she is in her element.
But every so often we see her fear take over and she becomes a nervous, terrified, teary wreck.
She forgets her words and tells herself she’s not good enough.
It’s heart-breaking.
But as the film went on and I started to see what a strong team of caring people she has around her, I felt reassured. Her team is on hand at all times to remind her of what a wonder she is.
They show her the lyrics and as I watched her pull herself together I realised I’d been holding my breath.
I sing myself and standing on a stage and singing makes me ­incredibly nervous.
So it was incredible to me that someone who has been bullied her entire life, someone who has recently been diagnosed with Asperger’s, someone with such a low opinion of herself, could manage to overcome all this and go on stage and... well, shine.
There’s no other word for it. Susan shines when she’s on stage and as I watched her collect herself, as both a viewer and a singer, I released the breath I was holding and told myself she was going to be okay.
There’s no doubt my empathy made watching There’s Something About Susan a pretty stressful experience for me. Even when I remembered to breathe I was so nervous for her I was still clenching my fists, tapping my foot and chewing my lip.
Yet when she sings, it’s truly amazing to watch. The blinkers go on and she is in her “Boyle Bubble”. And when she is in this zone of pure enjoyment (which is exactly what singing should be) she delivers. She delivers ­something very special indeed.
I’m not sure this lovely lady knew what she was getting herself into when she ­auditioned for BGT in 2009. But two things became clear watching this revealing programme about her life. Not only does singing give this woman a badly-needed helping of self worth, it also makes her truly happy.
So despite the nerves, despite her social awkwardness, despite her overwhelming fear, Susan is a star. Against all the odds, against the backlash, against the pressures of this business, she has smashed it and continues to do so.
God bless you Susan, you’re quite the inspiration.

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