Saturday, March 23, 2013

Going back to a 2009 "foot in mouth" article.

Another "foot in mouth" article. Going back to look at a 2009 article I came upon this snarly little reporter "TanStran's" remarks.  Please look at the comments from fans, posted below, and there were many more.  Loved reading them.  
JUL 19200905:48 PM ET

Susan Boyle's 'Today' interview preview: What, no tears?

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Honestly, this doesn't entice me that much, and I've been rather intrigued by Boyle's whole story since it began unfolding back in April. For one, as far as I can tell from this rather paltry clip, SuBo seems fine. Not that I was expecting her to be some sort of mess, but shouldn't there be a tear or two after all she's gone through? A wobbly voice? Apprehension? Some admission of the mess of it all maybe? It's hard for me to believe that if Boyle had gotten emotional and broken down a bit in this interview with Viera that NBC wouldn't have teased at least some of that in this video. Maybe they didn't want to exploit her? C'mon, though, that's what Susan Boyle's entire "career" has been about — exploitation. Mostly by the producers ofBritain's Got Talent, who used her story to pimp out the show majorly.
As far as Boyle's "slight makeover," it's not that far beyond what she did in the second round ofBritain's Got Talent when she sang "Memory" from Cats. A trim, a bottle of hair dye, and some better clothes can do wonders for a person who did nothing before. But she does look nice — and happy. That's good, right? We should be happy that Susan looks good and healthy, yes? I'm evil for suggesting she squeeze out a few tears, right?
What do you think, PopWatchers? What'd you think of the preview? Are you going to watch the Boyle interviews on Wednesday? Do you even care about her anymore?
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  • teri johnson
    I saw almost every performance ( 22 of them) of Susan on the BGT tour, which ended July 5th. sometimes she did two shows a day. She was glamourous there also, in great voice, and got standing ovations at all of the venues. It is misleading to say she has “been away”- she did 22 shows!
    I have seen all of the shows on either YouTube or her majoe fansite, of which I am a charter member.
    And, yes, we are all going to be watching.
    Why should Susan shed a tead? Her CD is in the works, and Simon says she is “exraorinary” on record. She has a spread coming up in Harper’s Bazaar. She is doing just FINE, thankyou.
    Los Angeles, CA
  • TnGran
    Yes your evil and mean. Yes I do still care and can’t wait for Susan’s album to come out !
  • Leslie Rojohn
    First of all her name is Susan Boyle, not SuBo, TanStran. And yes, many, many of us care very deeply about her as she is a true innocent and a true talent. Something we don’t often see in this world anymore. Why should she cry. She is happy (Ihope) and doing what she was born to do and never got a chance till now to do, because the world is full of nasty no-talent people like yourself, doing their best to kick the good people around so they can artificially elevate their own worthless selves. You go Susan, and I hope we will hear in her interview that she is coming to the USA because adoring fans here will welcome her with open arms and open hearts.
  • Lonnirose
    Susan does indeed look stunning, does she not? She also looked absolutely gorgeous during all her BGT tour performances, and so captivated every audience that standing ovations were a given. She held every crowd mesmerized with her golden voice and charismatic stage presence. Watching Susan perform is magical!
    She is now recording her debut CD, due out in the fall, and her millions of global fans are eagerly awaiting it.
    Susan Boyle is destined to be the biggest Superstar we have seen in decades – wait for it!
  • Amanda
    Susan Boyle is happy to be finally realizing her lifelong dream of being a singer. She is doing very well, thank you very much. It’s more than time for all of the skeptics, from the villagers who stoned her front door to the tabloid press, to wish her well and move on. Hopefully to more productive activities.
  • Bernice Rice
    That’s Lady Susan Boyle to you. There are plenty of Susan fans that will be watching and anxiously awaiting her CD and anything else Susan chooses to share with us. A tear, a wobbly voice? If that where the case, you in the media would make a mountain out of a mole hill and all we would hear is how “delicate” Susan is. She is a wonderful, charming, talented lady with a great sense of humor. I love her. Her fans, of which I am one, wish her only the best life has to offer. May God Bless Susan Boyle (The People’s Singer)
  • Nornie
    You bet I’ll bet watching! I love Susan Boyle! Why should she shed a tear? As poster teri above said, she’s done 22 shows on the BGT Tour, performed stunningly to standing ovations in each show, looked absolutely gorgeous, she is working on at least one album. She is living her dream and all her fans are supporting her and will be lining up to buy her CD!
  • lmacrjac
    Sure we’re still interested! Much to the chagrin of the mass media, we don’t all suffer from ADD – Susan burst onro the scene a mere 3 months ago, has finished up BGT, a 22-day tour, is recording a CD due to be released in mid-October, is to be on the cover of Harper’s (possibly the October edition, to coincide with the release of the CD?), has given at least one interview since the end of the tour – AND is not falling apart and /or in mental/emotional collapse! What is not to like about all of the above?
  • Fran M.
    Yes, Susan looks lovely, healthy and happy and yes, I do care about her very much, and yes, you are evil for suggesting she squeeze out a few tears. Susan deserves all the happiness and success in the world and she will have it.
  • Misti in Seattle
    For sure I will be watching! Our precious Lady Susan has emerged victorious and proven what most of us already knew… that the vast majority of the “garbage” that was put out by the trashoid press was made up lies just trying to get a story. You may not have been impressed with this inteview but her thousands of fans ARE and are thrilled to see her looking refreshed, happy and excited… not to mention stunningly beautiful! Not that we cared what she looked like… remember, we made her a superstar BEFORE she had her makeover. But I am happy for her that she turned out to be so pretty and confident. AND she is VERY witty and well spoken… learning disability NO WAY! More manufactured tripe. :) Susan still has FAR to go and we are going to make it happen!!
  • Misti in Seattle
    And yes… it is “Lady Susan Boyle” to you. :)
  • Kate Hopkins
    No chance in the world that this fan will ever stop caring about this remarkable singer. Yes, she looks and sounds great…hardly fits all the negative adjectives other media insist on pinning to her name. Thanks for caring to remind the world that She is just getting started and has her act very nicely together.
  • Nanikens
    Wonderful clip…looking forward to the full interview. Ms Boyle is looking great, sounds relaxed and happy and looking forward to her CD’s…What an amazing achievement, what an amazing lady, Susan Boyle!
  • Trennie
    Why you snarky little twirp. Did you think that headline was clever? And your little soul is bored by good news? In that case, I hope none comes to you in your own life. Crawl back where you came from.
  • harpycourts
    Dear Tanner: If Subo just sits and farts her interview will be more interesting than your boring article. If you have no enthusiasm for your work and apparent negligible writing skills, then what is the point of even putting your byline out? Millions more of us will be watching Boyle’s interview then will ever be reading your boring tripe again. Are you and Perez Hilton related?

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